Thirty Days at the Foot of the Cross Campaign

Audio Sermons from the Campaign

Join us at Hampton Roads Church as we together engage in a spiritual discipline of meditating on Jesus' love for us as exemplified on the cross. Along the way, we will be reading from Thirty Days at the Foot of Cross according to this schedule below (it's never too late to start, just jump in based on the activity and reading for TODAY). You'll also find family devotional lessons and Bible Talk small group discussions (coming soon).

Day | Chapter | Date

  1. Unconditional Love: While We Were Still Sinners (Mar 20)
  2. Hating Sin: Feel the Pain (Mar 21) 
  3. The Blood of Christ: It Keeps on Cleansing (Mar 22) [Saturday Evangelism Event]
  4. Forgiveness: The Freedom of Forgiveness (Mar 23) 
  5. Baptism: Back to the Future (Mar 24) [Family Devo]
  6. The Lord’s Supper: Always Remembering (Mar 25)
  7. Wisdom: The Wisdom & Power of God (Mar 26)
  8. Boasting: Who Gets the Credit? (Mar 27)
  9. Surrender: Life Through Death (Mar 28)
  10. Self-Denial: Denial Without Regret (Mar 29)  [Saturday Evangelism Event]
  11. Humility: To Heights of Humility (Mar 30)
  12. Lifestyle: Every Day (March 31) [Family Devo]
  13. Sacrifice: Spectators or Sacrifices? (Apr 1)
  14. Suffering: Problem or Possibility? (Apr 2)
  15. Serving: If the King is a Servant (Apr 3)
  16. Serving: The Surprise of Serving (Apr 4)
  17. Determination: Seeing it Through (Apr 5)
  18. Persecution: Mistreatment but not Misery (Apr 6)
  19. In the Working World: Lasting Impact (Apr 7) [Family Devo on Chapter 20]
  20. In the Family: Not for Adults Only (Apr 8)
  21. The Nature of God: Nothing but the Best (Apr 9)
  22. Faith: Trusting in Trial (Apr 10)
  23. Loving the Lost: Don't Come Down (Apr 11)
  24. Overcoming: Turning the Tables (Apr 12)
  25. Prayer: Prayer and Purpose (Apr 13) [Palm Sunday]
  26. Handling Stress: I Am Not Alone (Apr 14) [Family Devo]
  27. Resurrection: Never Forget (Apr 15)
  28. Joy: Not Surprised by Joy (Apr 16)
  29. Reconciliation: Consumed with Reconciliation (Apr 17)
  30. Unity: Level Ground, United Hearts (Apr 18) [Good Friday Prayer and Outreach Event by Bible Talk]

Bible Talk Discussions for Small Groups

Bible Talk: Don't Come Down! (Download)

Icebreaker: Please say your name and something that you were made fun of for when you were a kid ☺ 

Text: Matthew 27.39-42

Discussion Questions:

    Interpretation:  Why did people hurl insults at Jesus?

            What types of people were mocking Jesus? Why?

            What types of thoughts, do you think, were going through Jesus’ head?

            Do you think it would be easy to make fun of someone as they died? 

            What would be a normal reaction to being taunted?  

Do you think they would have believed in him if he came down from the cross and responded to their taunts? 

    Application:      What is a situation where someone has taunted you for your faith?  What is a situation where Satan has taunted you for your faith? 

            What are some possible situations where you could be tempted to respond to mocking, taunting, or instigation by others or by Satan?

            What is the benefit of responding to the mocking like Jesus?  

            How can we think like Jesus in order to help us respond just as He did?

            What aspects of Jesus’ life, do you think, prepared Him to respond correctly in this moment?           

Closing: It is no small thing to jeer and mock a man as he dies, despite the amount of hatred you have for him or her.  As we consider Jesus’ position, we have to consider how we would be able to respond in a godly way, even though the mocking and jeering we experience pales in comparison.   Jesus understood that humility and obedience were more powerful than parlor tricks and showboating to impress. He had a greater mission in mind- a mission that would save millions, as opposed to placate a few.

Let’s open it up for some final thoughts on the passage we read tonight.  What stood out to you?  What do you want to change after seeing Jesus?

Bible Talk: Love or Hate! (Download)

ICEBREAKER/OPENING QUESTION: Share a time when someone did something that really hurt you, or took advantage of you.  How did you feel? Betrayed? Rejected? Forgotten? etc.

Do you remember the pain you felt?  

Discussion: Does God feel pain?  About what kind of things?  Do we really believe our sin hurts God?

Read James 4:4-5

What does God call our friendship with the world? Adultery!  Why would he say that? Is that true? How? 

He calls us an enemy of God- really? What does this mean?

I either love God or hate him by how I live! There is no “in-between/middle ground”. Do you agree/disagree? Sounds harsh, is it true?

How does this scripture speak to the passion that God has for us? “Envies intensely”! What does this mean? 

Read James 4:7-10

What do you think it means to “submit yourselves to God”? How do we do that?

What happens when we resist the devil? Do you see this as a promise?  How should this help you overcoming temptations in our lives? 

Have you ever thought-“If I had just resisted that little bit longer, that would have been the time Satan would have fled- but we gave in and didn’t see the victory?”

What does this passage teach us about us? 

How popular is this view today? Doesn’t this seem “upside down”?

What does it mean to be “double-minded”? How do we do that?

How do you think we need to “humble ourselves before the Lord.”?

Concluding Remarks:

How will you live this week realizing that our friendship with the world is hatred toward God?What will you do practically to humble yourself before Him? To what extent will you resist the devil and come near to God?

All of this really shows whether we love God or hate him! There is no “in-between”! What would God say of you tonight?

Bible Discussion:  Life Through Death - John 12:23-25

Context: (For Bible Discussion Leader Only) -  The plot to have Jesus executed has thickened 
due to raising of Lazarus.  Since that day the efforts of both the chief priests and the Pharisees 
intensified causing Jesus to no longer move about publicly.  Jesus was anointed by Mary in 
Bethany in preparation for all that awaited Jesus in Jerusalem.  Jesus would enter Jerusalem 
as the Passover neared and would be celebrated by many further stirring the frustration and 
envy of the religious leaders.  As he received praise and laud from all those who had gathered, 
Jesus once again redirects the crowd and His followers to unseat themselves from this world...!

Opening Question: 
Ask the group to share about a time where they overcame a challenge. What was the obstacle? 
How did you overcome? What was the lasting impact?!
Interpretation Questions: 
1) What upcoming event does Jesus refer to in v.23? (Being glorified/crucified)

2) With what does Jesus choose to compare our lives? (Kernel of wheat)

3) What does Jesus say about the kernel that does not fall to the ground? What about the one 
that does fall and die?

4) How does Jesus describe one who is like the kernel that refuses to die in v.25?  The one 
who would die?

Application Questions: 
1) How would you describe a person who "loves their life?"

2) How would you describe a person who appears to "hate their life?"

3) What would Jesus qualify as "hating ones life"?

4) What areas/comforts do we have the easiest time resisting?

5) What areas/comforts do we love the most in our lives (or long for)?

6) Which one of these areas would Jesus say creates the most resistance with following Him 

7) Following Jesus calls us to the uncomfortable & to embrace any pain that comes with self-
denial:  !Why do we avoid what's painful? What do we settle for when we do?

Contemplation Questions: 
1) What promises did Jesus issue to those who would “hate their lives”?

2) Why should we believe that we will experience life when we choose to “die”?

3) How have you experienced this?  If so, explain.  If not, what can you do to experience true 
Final Charge:   
The paradox of death bringing life is only possible in Jesus.  He first shows us this truth by his 
life, death, and resurrection.  That because of his death, we all have the opportunity to have 
true life.  Let his example motivate us to see through the emptiness of living for self and the lies 
that self gratification or avoiding the "pain" of losing self will manufacture joy and fulfillment .  If 
we embrace this truth, and cling to the promises of God, we will escape the bondage of empty 
religion and will experience true joy and a fruitful life following Jesus.  All great things happen 
when we choose to die to ourselves and live for Him.  He first did it for us. How can we respond? 

If the King is a Servant Bible Talk (preview and download link)

Family Devotional Lessons

Family Devo: Lasting Impact (Colossians 3:1-3) (Download)

(Note to Parents: Family devotional will need to be adjusted per age of child but still a great lesson and applicable for any age)

Start things off with some songs and prayer

Q: What does the world/society hold up or value in a person? 

Opening Activity: Build the “ultimate, cool” guy/gal 

On 1 sheet construction paper, draw an outline of a person (ginger bread man) 

Using magazines, ads and whatever you like assemble the “ultimate, cool” guy/gal with tape or glue (time to be creative) 

Make sure to emphasize, this is the world’s point of view

Discuss the different qualities and achievements, why the world values them, the short comings and false promises attached (adjust for age of children)

Read passage Colossians 3:1-3

As followers of Jesus, Christians we are to set our hearts, value things above and not worldly things

Discuss the meaning of “things above” i.e. heaven, God, Jesus, righteousness, obedience… (adjust for age of children)

Q: What does it mean to value something? What do you value? How do you treat that object/thing you value? 

We protect that object of value and treat it with special care. As Christians we value the “things above” over the world 

Life can get hard and the “ultimate, cool” life can look pretty great, but we need to fight to keep our minds on things above (ref short comings discussed earlier) 

Q: How can we fight to keep our minds on things above? 

Closing Activity: Let’s make God’s ultimate, righteously cool guy/gal

Have everyone (parents included) draw a new outline of a man

This time fill the man in with “things above” and qualities, achievements and attributes that God values 

Discuss and why God values those qualities, achievements and attributes


Let’s fight to keep our minds on “things above” and continue to push back the world’s influence on our families 

Hang up your ultimate, righteously cool guy/gal on the fridge or bulletin  board and remind each other everyday this week to keep our focus on “things above”


Family Devo: Freedom of Forgiveness (click on title to view content)